In a world where 85% of all active managers cannot beat a low-cost passive index-based investment, ProForza has developed a unique, persistent process that can deliver consistently lowered risk and enhanced return on virtually any liquid basket of stocks. These look like Alternative Beta-like offerings that have generally superior risk/return characteristics to passive, semi-passive, mutual funds and "Smart" Beta products.
You get extensive research on core investment principles underlying all of our products and index data (click any image below if you like lots of data for analytical purposes only). Risk assessment is daily and transparent to investors similar to that of an index-like investment. A "no brainer" for most investors to get more for your investment dollars.
All data supplied herewith is subject to terms and conditions for usage and model disclosures, which are included in each document. All index data is unlevered and does not include the impact of management costs similar to that of any index like the SP500TM index. However, our costs are clearly listed next to each product so that one might adjust index returns to more closely match that of the live accounts. Note that live accounts do exist for each product and such live returns do correspond and track very closely to that of the index.
Current list of products offered and current annual cost (please refer to Form ADV too):